Hello all,

I am currently working on a web app, where unfortunately, the client wants to use several multi select boxes.

The form works as follows:

1) User decides to create a new group by accessing the form.

2) User searches for items via the search button. Search results are populated in the available select boxes.

3) User selects the items to assign and places in them in the selected box.

4) User repeates steps 2-3 until satisfied.

5) User saves by submitting and info is saved into db.

6) User can also edit the group info, where the selected items are retrieved from db and placed in the selected box (use <logic:iterate> to iterate the the ArrayList of Transfer objects).

I have already developed the app and it works. Every time the user invokes the search or save submit action, I use Javascript to select the items and have the appropriate Select[] get/set methods.

The only visual drawback is seeing the items highlighted when submitting the information upon a search or save. Is there a way to submit the form without having to show the items highlighted?

Thanks for you help.

Rich Dedeyan

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