Hi All,

We've been successful using struts-validator with a single message resource bundle. 
When we used the same code with the multi-resource bundle we have problems: 

In the JSP use <html:errors ...bundle="RESOURCE_BUNDLE_A">, it doesn't display the 
message in validation.xml which is arg0 for the validator-rules.xml.

In validation.xml, we have a line that says:

<arg0 key="registrationForm.firstname.displayname" />

The registrationForm.firstname.displayname in the properties file is:

First Name

In validator-rules.xml, we have a line that says:


The errors.required in the properties file is:

errors.required={0} is required.

When the error is encountered, the JSP is supposed to display:

First Name is required.

But we're getting only:

is required.

The 'First Name' is missing.

Thanks for your help,


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