Re: Programatically define Tiles Definitions (Struts Nightly)

2002-11-29 Thread micael
Also, you know that deprecated does not mean you cannot use the tags, right? The tags still are good. I am not suggesting anything, but "deprecating" a tld is not really "deprecating," is it? If you want to use it, use it. Like Yogi said about the striking baseball players (only in reverse)

Programatically define Tiles Definitions (Struts Nightly)

2002-11-25 Thread Ove Ranheim
Since the Template Tag now is deprecated, how do I mangage to solve this issue with Tiles? ContentMap cm = ContentMap contentMap = new ContentMap(); contentMap.put("top", new Content("", "false")); contentMap.put("left", new Content("", "false"));