Now *that's* how an announcement should be done. It succinctly says what the
product actually does (for me) without making vague claims that the product
will somehow make me more attractive to women. I particularly like the "Why
you should try it" section. Good job with the announcement, I hope the
software's this good!

Others who shall remain nameless could learn from this. Less sales pitch,
more information.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Pennal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: May 30, 2003 11:06 PM
> Subject: [ANNOUNCE] stxx-1.2rc1 has been released
> Struts for Transforming XML with XSL (stxx)
> by Jeff Pennal and Don Brown
> Overview
> --------
> Struts for transforming XML with XSL (stxx) is an extension of the
> struts framework to support XML and and XML transforming technologies
> like XSL without changing the functionality of struts.
> stxx sits on top of Struts, extending its existing functionality to
> enable XML to be generated (from Actions, serializers, etc) that can be
> transformed by technologies like XSL, XSL:FO and Velocity (Anakia).
> The idea behind stxx is to remove the need to use JSP and tag libraries
> for the presentation layer of the Struts framework. However, stxx does
> not force you to go the XML route, as it will still work with the
> existing technologies. Struts for transforming XML with XSL (stxx) is
> designed to be an extension of the struts framework to support XML
> transformations without changing the functionality of struts.
> Features
> --------
>      * Support for both the Struts 1.0.x and Struts 1.1.x architectures
>      * Enhancements to the forwarding functionality of Struts to provide
>        XML transformations based on the content produced by the action
>        and any custom criteria (such as the user-agent of the client) to
>        render HTML/XML/PDF/more
>      * The ability to write your own transformation classes to make the
>        XML transform to output type you want
>      * Automatic serialization of the ActionErrors, Struts Resources,
>        ActionForms and Requests object for use in your XML document
>      * Filtering of ApplicationResources on a per-action basic to make
>        sure you only get the resources you want
>      * Easy migration path to Cocoon via stxx's similar pipeline
>        definition for transforming XML
> Why you should try it
> ---------------------
> * You like the idea of Cocoon, but find it's site-map definitions too
>    complex for a simple application. See:

* You are looking for a way to support multiple-clients in your web
   application. See:

* If you like Struts, but dislike JSP/Taglibs

* You have a lot of data in XML format that you need to transform.

* You want to be able to easily support different presentation
   technologies. Stxx can do XSLT, XSL:FO, Velocity and more. When XSL2.0
   comes out, it's just a matter of adding a new transformer.

* If you want to handle a new type of transformation, you can just add a
   new transformer a plug it in. For example: Stxx 1.2rc1 includes
   support for serializing forms to the W3C XForms standard, which was
   done by just writing the code for it and adding a serializer.

* You can perform both client-side and server-side transformations, even
   in the same request! This would allow you to offload transformations
   to the client to save server cycles.

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