Title: RE: Error reloading servlet

I get a similar error when using JSP pages if I recompile the supporting classes - I have made an assumption that it is something to do with the signature for a object that is held in the cache be different after I re-compile.( Don't launch any flames at me if this is the wrong terminology please - this is just my assumption!!).

I have to stop and restart tomcat on projects where I am using JSPs if I recompile the main code for the beans - If this is a separate problem and anyone knows how to resolve it then I would be very grateful to hear - or just to tell me if something like my assumption was right?


Cheers Al

Alastair Briggs
Phone : +44 (0) 8700 110 999
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Transition Computing
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-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Joseph Krogh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 16 January 2001 09:04
Subject: Error reloading servlet

When trying to dynamicly reload the struts-example, I get a
I use Tomcat-3.2.1 and jakarta-struts-1.0 from
jakarta-struts-src-20010110.tar.gz., jdk.1.2.2_006
Here is the exception from the logs:
==> logs/jasper.log <==
2001-01-15 10:52:20 - Classpath according to the Servlet Engine is:

==> logs/servlet.log <==
2001-01-15 10:52:20 - Ctx( /struts-example ): Exception in: R(
/struts-example + /index.jsp + null) - javax.servlet.ServletException:

Root cause:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources

I know that I cannot have the same classes in the Tomcat classpath as I have
in the struts-example. Does it matter that I have "struts.jar" loaded several
times(one time for each example - upload, test, example etc...) in different
classloaders? Tomcat uses one classloader pr. webapp right?
Can anybody please help me out here:-)

Andreas Joseph Krogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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