Would you mind sharing a copy of your Resin config file on Linux? It's putting up a hell of a fight working with Struts in my config.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mindaugas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 11:58 PM
Subject: Help in deciding weather or not to use struts

I'm new to struts, but I've had expierence with MVC, JSPs, and the like. I'm using Resin1.2.3 as my servlet runner. I've come into a bunch of problems using Resin + Struts and I don't know if its because of resin, or because of struts. First of all, when i put struts.jar into my application's WEB-INF/lib directory, it works under resin + linux, but it doesn't work under resin + windows. In resin + windows, I need to but the struts.jar file in c:\resin1.2.3\lib (this is where JDBC drivers and such usually go, since they can't be in WEB-INF/lib for a reason i forget right now) Does this requirement also hold for struts?
Also, I've noticed that the error messages that struts gives are NOT very informative at all... Where are the stack traces? Errors like: Error creating bean x.y.c or 500 No instance of action class /blah could be created are close to useless. Yes, I could check the error.log, but those errors are not much better.
I am weighing the consequences of what a switch from my home-brew sorta MVC architecture to jakarta-struts would be a good idea or not. If struts turns out to extremely difficult to debug, it might not be worth it. Would it be possible for struts to print stack traces instead of "nice" error messages.
Also, would it be possible to use Log4J as the logging sub-system instead of servlet.log()? Thanks.

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