request-time scriptlet expressions have to be the ENTIRE attribute
value, not just a portion of it.  If you want to use a scriptlet, you'll
have to concatenate strings together, something like this:

  onchange='<%= "makeEditDirty(\'hideOnEdit\',\'showOnEdit\',\'" +
chkBxId + "\');" %>'

I have no idea whether this uses quotes correctly.  This is a good
advertisement for using Struts-EL, as this would instead look like this:


(Assuming "chkBxId" is available as a scoped attribute.)

Unfortunately, we haven't yet implemented a "nested-el" library.  It is
quite straightforward, I just haven't done it yet.

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 10:01 AM
> Subject: Placing jsp tags within nested tags not working.
> I'm having problems trying to nest code within a nested tag.
> <nested:text property="actionCode" maxlength="1" size="1" 
> styleClass="maintWidth1"
>  onchange="makeEditDirty('hideOnEdit','showOnEdit','<%=chkBxId%>');"
>         onkeyup="return autoTab(this, 1, event);" />
> This doesn't work.
> The output looks like this...
> <input type="text" name="asrTranList[0].actionCode" 
> maxlength="1" size="1" 
> value="072" onkeyup="return autoTab(this, 3, event);" 
> onchange="makeEditDirty('hideOnEdit','showOnEdit','<%=chkBxId%>');" 
> class="maintWidth1">
> Any ideas how I can get this to work?

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