Jannik Nørgaard Steen wrote:

> Hi,
> I've continue to have problems with parsing the struts-config.xml. As Craig
> pointed out I've now included
> the missing DOCTYPE-element in the struts-config.xml.
> >From the stacktrace below you can see that the ActionServlet tries to locate
> a dtd from a alternate location
> which is the dtd in the struts.jar. Why is it doing that ? The dtd is
> already present at the jakarta site.
> Then the Digester throws an exception because it cannot find the dtd file in
> the struts.jar, which also is weird since
> I've included the struts.jar in my webapp /WEB-INF/lib directory.
> I'm using Struts 20001712 binary dist., Xerces-1.1.3, Resin 1.1.5, JDK 1.3.0
> (see also the attached xml files)

I have heard that some app servers have problems loading resources from the JAR files,
and unpacking struts.jar into WEB-INF/classes fixed it.  I don't remember whether
Resin was one of those or not, but it might be worth a try.

> Any suggestions ?

Craig McClanahan

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