I have updated the struts examples application at:

Intended to provide easy to understand examples of the most common struts
tags and practices, the application demonstrates:

  * Forms using ActionForms
  * Forms using DynaActionForms
  * Populating options
  * Using the multibox tag for checkboxes
  * Bean tags
  * Logic tags
  * Links
  * Form validation using validator
  * Using message resources
  * Localization
  * Controlling duplicate form submission using transaction tokens

You can download the application to run locally from:

I still need to tidy up a lot of the examples but I hope this will go a long
way to answering those "Does anyone know where I can find an example of
...." questions that keep coming up on the mailing list. ;-)

Useful feedback would include:
  * comments from new struts users regarding how easy the examples are to
  * reports of any glaring errors or omissions from those who are more
experienced with Struts


Please note: The URLs I've listed may not be long lived.  I hope to shortly
find a permanent home for the downloadable war, but it's not my intention to
permanently host a live application.

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