I'd like to do this:
Check if a user has selected at least one item in a multi select drop down.
And I'd like to use the Struts Validator for this.
I use  v. 1.1 RC.

If I have an old  standard Struts ActionForm bean where this drop down is implemented 
as a String array, then validation 'required' works if I specify this validation rule:

<field property="interests" depends="required">
  <arg0 key="validateform.interests"/>

However, if I replace the bean with a DynaValidatorForm like this:

<form-bean      name="submitDynaValidateForm"
  <form-property name="interests" type="java.lang.String[]"/>

then it doesn't work any more. I don't get an error message telling me to pick an item 
from the drop down.

In my Action class I get a zero length array, so I could validate at this spot, but of 
course I'd like to validate using the validation.xml file.

Any ideas why it doesn't work - or how I could implement the validation?


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