I have been looking into the formatKey option of the bean:write tag.

I have format.creditlimit=$###,###,##0.00 in my property file.

My jsp has the following:
<bean:write name="responseBean" property="creditLimit"

I am trying to work only with strings between by controller and view, so I
originally had the getCreditLimit() method return a String.  This did not
work, the string was not formatted in the resulting html.  ex. 006500

However, when I changed getCreditLimit to return an int, then the formatting
was applied.  ex. $6,500

I understand why bean:write formatter would expect a number.  Is there a way
to still use Strings in your getters and setters of your form beans when you
want to use the format features of bean:write?

Felicia Morycz
EDS Solutions Consulting
phone: +01-614-823-4720

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