Assume a form has a field like so

Age: [   ]

The user decided he/she is too bashful (or maybe just too old) to
fill in the form and bypasses it, which we allow because people are
wierd like that (by the way I am 25 and proud to be whatever age I
am, but I am broke as a bank that just got robbed)

moving all fields are deemed to be type java.lang.String so
the form posts this as "" (the empty string object).

Now, assume my database has a field type

int(3) NULL

Naturally, I would want to enter NULL for this user since no one
browsing the web can be of age 0.  How could I get the form-bean to
treat an optional field as NULL if it is empty so that the database
gets the correct value?  Or, do I just have to do this manually?


p.s. Sorry for all the questions but Struts rocks and I just want to
make it work for what I need since these issues are only petty.

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Daniel Allen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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"Personally, I'm not finding Windows 
to be less expensive to administer, 
but those security holes--that'll kill 'em," 
-- Al Gillen, IDC
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