Re: is there a way to get struts to interact well w/ scriptlets

2003-02-08 Thread Jeff_Mychasiw
In agreement with Kris, I will elaborate. In short I was able to avoid hard coding element names by passing in control names. The tag will generate a string that describe the levels without the control name and the will give you the full name with control. so in lists I found my self doing st

Re: is there a way to get struts to interact well w/ scriptlets

2003-02-08 Thread Jeff_Mychasiw
TED]> on 02/08/2003 09:45:23 AM Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject:is there a way to get struts to interact well w/ scriptlets I notice that if I use I end up getting input fields whose name looks

Re: is there a way to get struts to interact well w/ scriptlets

2003-02-08 Thread Kris Schneider
Can't you use window.document.someform.elements[""]? Sundar Narasimhan wrote: I notice that if I use I end up getting input fields whose name looks like so This really doesn't play well with all the java script code we have that rely on "eval'ing" target names such as "window.docu

is there a way to get struts to interact well w/ scriptlets

2003-02-08 Thread Sundar Narasimhan
I notice that if I use I end up getting input fields whose name looks like so This really doesn't play well with all the java script code we have that rely on "eval'ing" target names such as "window.document.someform.somelement". If someelement is in dotted notation, eval on the java sc