Hi all-
I have a problem which i'm sure someone else must have gone thru. I have a collection of Value Objects that hve properties like firstName, lastName etc. I wrote a getter in the form bean that returns this collection of value objects
// This is my IncompleteFolderAction.java
application = new ApplicationVO();

// This is my IncompleteFolderForm.java (form bean)
public Collection getApplications()
        return applications;

the following is the code i wrote on the jsp to access this collection and iterate thru the value objects

<logic:iterate id="appList" name="incompleteFolderForm" property="applications">
<td><bean:write name="appList" property="firstName"/></td>
<td><bean:write name="appList" property="lastName"/></td>

and my struts-config.xml contains an action name="incompleteFolderForm" that maps to the form-bean IncompleteFolderForm

My problem is i dont see anythign on the jsp once it returns ..it's all blank .. but the getter methods are being accessed coz i printed a string from the getApplications() and it did print. when i tried to view the source of the jsp .. it shows only half (or less, i dont know) of the source code ..it's as if the page stopped loading .. i've been working on it since like 2 days now.. and it'd be really great if anyone could help me or point me to some place where i can get some info

I'm using Apache Tomcat 5.0 with Struts 1.1 ...

Thankx a lot :)


Shahfazal Mohammed
Research A$$i$tant
Center for Business and Information Technologies

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