i have a code segment that displays a form. part of the form consists of a selection from a bunch of plans that can be selected through a radio button tag
here's how it goes
<html:form action="/saveServiceAccount">
<logic:iterate name="serviceTypes" id="serviceType">
<td><html:radio idName="serviceType" value="code" property="serviceTypeId"/>

what that is supposed to do is 'serviceTypes' contains a list of service plans. the plans are of type ServiceType an empty bean of which is stored in the session under serviceType
the form bean is ServiceAccountForm and has a field called serviceTypeId.
the user is basically supposed to select a plan through the radio button and the code for the plan should become the serviceTypeId.

i am however getting an error when i run this saying it cant find a getter for 'code'
however i have getCode in ServiceType

please help

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