
I am new to struts & tiles and have several questions/problems That I am
currently dealing with:

1) although a page ( say tiles.page ) is defined in my tiles-def.xml and
    in my struts-config.xml like

    <forward name="struts.page" path="tiles.page" /> and
    <action path="/struts.page" forward="tiles.page" /> 

a link from a jsp page <html:link forward="struts.page">... resolves to
a link to 'tiles.page' ( textual!) 
without resolving the tiles definition ? 

2) is it generally possible to nest ( not to extend) tile definitions ?

3) is there a simple solution for using the struts forward mechanism
programmatically ?
   I'd like to have either an action or a tag which I could call in a
jsp with something like:



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