On 08/06/2015 16:18, Dirk wrote:
We very much rely on the testers here on this list to take Subsurface
through its paces, to simulate your normal work flow and to help us
pinpoint the areas that we broke. I'm quite certain that there are still
a bunch of issues with the new location management code.

The lack of feedback is probably because location management is actually a workable tool now. I cannot crash it (SHA gd9801). I have tried adding coordinates by hand in several formats and it appears quite ok. I also added coordinates from Marble and it looks ok. All the coordinates are stored against the correct dives as far as I can see, no scrambling of coordinates. Tomaz you are fantastic. I also messed around with dive site coordinates, replacing the present dive site with another existing dive site. All appears ok. Thanks to the work by Robert and others there is now quite a bit of freedom in the way Subsurface accepts hand-entered coordinates. This really helps.

I have two gripes:
1) One needs a facility to check, and if necessary, edit the coordinates of a dive site. Once a dive site is successfully entered, there is no way to view, rename a site or edit the coordinates or to delete the dive site from the database. When cliking the "+" next to an existing dive site, it does not give the info for that dive site. It gives blank form.

2) Coordinates of the form 30.67°E 27.87°S are parsed as in the northern hemisphere. If they are entered in the form 30.67°S 27.87°E they are parsed correctly as being in the southern hemisphere. So order is important. I hope to do some diving a week from now and will test coordinate upload using the companion app.
Kind regards,

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