
My name is Dennis and I am currently part of the RIT OLPC class, currently
developing a program called PacMath for the Math4Team (
http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/PacMath).  My team members and I have no
previous experience with developing for sugar and recently have been getting
issues in terms of code.  We currently have python code using the pygame
libraries which work fine when run independently on the XO but attempts to
"sugarize", or make an activity, have been a hurdle for us.  Any advice or
input would be greatly appreciated.  Our code can be cloned from: git://
git.sugarlabs.org/pacmath/mainline.git.  Thank you for your time.  Hope to
hear from you guys soon.

Sincere Regards

Dennis Rodriguez
Rochester Institute of Technology
Sugar-devel mailing list

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