Hi all,

as you'll have noticed, we're currently readying Sugar on a Stick for 
release, which is scheduled for April 10th. The roadmap is located here:


So here's a quick heads-up for activity packagers and maintainers! I 
know, it's quite of short notice...

* SoaS will be frozen as of April 7th. The final image will be already 
composed on that date, as it takes some time to get everything together 

* Sugar 0.84.2 is the version scheduled for inclusion.

* If you want to get your latest bits included, please get them ready as 
soon as possible!

We really need to get this done within the next two days, as we can 
spend only tomorrow on testing. If your package belongs to sucrose, you 
might need to get it build in koji, as well.

Please ping or e-mail me, if you've any concerns. Again, this is urgent!

Thanks and let's make this an awesome release,
    --Your SoaS Team
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