Dear Sugar Developers,

I hang out on the #abiword channel and I wanted to pass a long a
snippet of a conversation I had with one of their developers, Jean
Brefort.  I may have not represented Sugar Labs current status or
plans accurately, but that is not the point.

The points are:

1) Jean has gtk2 to gtk3 experience

2) Abiword is an important upstream:
 - We host their L10n on our Pootle server as a convenience for our
(and their)  localizers and a thank you for their code.
 - Full AbiWord is shipped in the Gnome boot of OLPC builds
 - Write is basically an AbiWord derivative and will eventually need
to be ported to GTK3 (and earlier rather than later as  Fructose

So, if any AbiWord devs show up in #sugar asking questions, please
consider it a matter of enlightened self-interest to offer any
assistance you can.  We (and our learners) will be the ultimate
beneficiaries of their success.



        <CIA-5> AbiWord: volodymyr * r30320
Removed use of deprecated GtkDialog::vbox
        <cjl>   volodymyr: So Abiword is making the move to GTK3+ and PyGobject
        <jean>  Gobject introspection is a somewhat different issue
        <cjl>   ok, I thought they went somewhat hand in hand
        <cjl>   jean, the folks at Sugar Labs are slowly working on migrating
from gtk2 to gtk3
        <cjl>   Every time they mention it, they talk about pygobject
introspection in the next sentence :-)
        <jean>  abiword migration?
        <cjl>   jean AbiWord is shipped in OLPC images
        <cjl>   OLPC images are dual boot in Sugar and Gnome and full AbiWord
is on the Gnome boot by default.
        <cjl>   And of course, the Write Activity in the Sugar side isa n
AbiWord derivative.
        <jean>  I know that
        <jean>  just I ignored that they tried to move to gtk3
        <cjl>   It is being worked on
        <jean>  which is, btw, not trivial
        <jean>  how far did they go?
        <cjl>   I've seen chatter on Sugar tha a GTK rebase is close to
working. It has not gone out in any releases.
        <cjl>   The plan is to support both gtk2 and gtk3 for a while to allow
for transition fo activities.
        <cjl>   The 0.94 Sugar release is going to come out in two weeks or so,
gtk3 is targeted for the next release (0.96)
        <jean>  sure, but I doubt they ported the Write Activity
        <cjl>   jean, no that hasn't been done yet
        <cjl>   But it will get early attention, as it is important.
        <cjl>   That is why I was interested to hear that Abiword is making the 
        <jean>  right
        <cjl>   That's great news. Write wil lbe supported as a GTK2 activity
for a long time (at least a year, I think), once the core is ported
        <jean>  it's far from working
        <jean>  I'm suspecting the crash occurs in the ruler code
        * jean  hopes to have an almost working gtk3 abiword within a couple of 
        <cjl>   jean I'm not really a dev, but if you hit a wall, you can
always ask on #sugar, just explain you are AbiWord and I bet they will
        <cjl>   You guys are an impt upstream and we do try to show love to the 
        <jean>  ok, thanks
        <jean>  abiword is my third gtk2 to gtk3 port
        <cjl>   Since they are dealing with the same sorts of issues, sharing
successes and failures just makes sense.
        <jean>  sure
        <cjl>   wow, you may be the expert then.
        <jean>  I have some experience indeed
        <cjl>   I think bernie innocenti nick:bernie is some kind of pygobject
guru if that helps.
        <jean>  well I don't use python at all
        <cjl>   ok
        <cjl>   maybe it was marco I was thinking of, not bernie
        <cjl>   or maybe tomeu
        <cjl>   Anyway, I know we've got some contributors that can hopefully
pull this whole thing off.
        <jean>  ok, I'll communicate on #sugar later this week
        <cjl>   keep up the good work, i'll be following with great interest.
        <jean>  need to go
        <cjl>   bye
        <jean>  bye
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