I see that UCBLogo is under GPL, and that there is a Sugarized version.


There is a "Sugarized" Logo—UCB Logo—but it does not record data into
the Journal or use the standard Sugar toolbar.

There are two possible approaches we could take: (1) digging deeper
into UCB Logo and (2) working with another Logo, possibly PyLogo.

Can we get this into our repository? I would like to have a version
that can read the Logo files that Turtle Art can write, without having
to run a script to extract them from the Journal. I would also like to
have the ability to read Logo files into Turtle Art and translate them
as far as possible. It should be no more difficult than the TA -->
Logo conversion, assuming that we recognize only Turtle commands, and
skip over anything else.

I am exercising my own limited Python skills on creating new Turtle
Art tiles to use in teaching various ideas in math and Computer

o A While or Until program flow tile

o A tile to read the color and tone of the dot under the turtle, for
use in a toy Universal Turing Machine
a Befunge interpreter, and a synesthesia (colors --> sound) machine.
And no doubt other things.

o A sound output tile, for the afore-mentioned synesthesia machine.

o Prefix logic tiles, to match the recently added prefix math tiles,
so that we don't need parentheses (which we don't have and I don't
want to implement).

o More math functions

o Your idea here?

Silent Thunder (默雷/धर्ममेघशब्दगर्ज/دھرممیگھشبدگر ج) is my name
And Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, The Truth my destination.
http://earthtreasury.org/worknet (Edward Mokurai Cherlin)
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