Hello everyone,
at last year's SUMO conference I presented my solution for using LISA+ 
signal control files within a SUMO simulation. DLR itself presented a very 
similar approach at the same event. The overall goal is to create a testing 
environment for real-world signal planning software and to make use of 
traffic-actuated LISA+ features within SUMO. (see Proceedings 
<https://elib.dlr.de/118438/1/SUMO_proceedings_online.pdf> for more 
The DLR solution is already part of the SUMO suite. Finally I have revised 
my Python/TraCI based interface for the LISA+ signal controller and 
uploaded it to 
<https://github.com/m-kro/sumo/tree/lisa/tools/contributed/lisa2sumo> . You 
can find some still very basic documentation in the script headers. In 
contrast to the DLR solution, there is no Java graphical user interface - 
signal settings are made through param-tags like for other signal control 
types of SUMO.
If somebody wants to try it out, he/she needs the LISA+ controller 
application and some LISA+ signal control files. Would be nice to give a 
short feedback then...
Kind regards

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