flora's dial

2007-01-22 Thread Frank Evans
Greetings fellow dialist, More seriously than adjustable dials, I see in "Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable" an entry which says: "Flora's Dial. A fanciful dial formed of flowers which open or close at the various hours." Can anyone throw light on this? Frank55N 1W -- No virus found in

housewife's trick

2007-01-22 Thread Frank Evans
Greetings fellow dialists, Re The Housewife's Trick, I once encountered a man who owned a south facing wall dial with a hinged gnomon he had made which could be moved in and out in a vertical plane, altering the style height. He claimed not only to be able to correct for the equation of time but

Horizontal Altitude Dial (DeltaCad)

2007-01-22 Thread Valentin Hristov
I am sending again my e-mail because it does not appear in the archive http://www.mail-archive.com/sundial@uni-koeln.de/maillist.html. Perhaps attachments are not allowed, therefore I include the .bas file inside the message (it is possible to receive some of the lines splitted). Here is my origina

Horizontal Altitude Box Dial (DeltaCad)

2007-01-22 Thread Valentin Hristov
Dear dialists! Greetings from the unusually warm Bulgaria, where we enjoj the beautiful sunny "winter" (it is like spring)! I am writing to you to announce a new member of the Box Sundial Family of DeltaCad macros. This is a well known type of Sundial - Horizontal Altitude Dial. It uses the alt