Hi Bill,
          Optical illusion. 

          I can ever resist any mechanical music but noticed a strange effect 
after staring fixedly while reading the words on that moving piano roll.  When 
I looked down at the other text below on my screen it appeared to be moving 
quickly upwards.  Probably the same effect noticed when looking backwards out 
of a moving vehicle - trains especially.  When the train stops the view from 
the window continues to seemingly move.

No red wine on this occasion...honest!

Tony Moss



-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Gottesman <billgottes...@comcast.net>
To: Sundials List <sundial@uni-koeln.de>
Sent: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 0:34
Subject: Ragtime/Jazz sundial lyric

Hello Sundial-Listers,

By happenstance I found a piano roll video performance of Lu-Lu-Lou (1920's?).  
One of the verses ends with:

Lu Lu she's so dumb she'll soon be in the booby hatch
I saw her telling time last night on a sundial with a match.

I don't really recommend the performance, but it is here:  
http://youtu.be/o2gscYRU2U4 .  Verse starts at 1:52.




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