
I am looking for marketing feedback on a new sundial that I would like to 
manufacture and sell.  I call it the New Millennium sundial.

The sundial is an analemmic-equatorial design.  It accurately shows clock time 
to within less than a minute, the date to the day, and quickly adjusts for 
Daylight Saving time.  I have several larger (6’ wide) stainless steel versions 
of this sundial currently installed at a public park, a college planetarium and 
several private estates.  This newest version would be smaller, more suitable 
for homes and gardens.

Key Points:

·         Futuristic design, shows the apparent motion of the sun “about” the 
Earth, throughout the day and the year.

·         Size: 24” across x approx. 17” high x 17” deep.

·         Material:  Aluminum, anodized FAO Gold.  Working on other colors.

·         Precisely machined, laser-cut and etched.

·         Highly accurate, it can show clock time to within seconds and the 
date to the day.

·         The gnomon’s analemma is shaped for optimum accuracy this century.

·         Will have three different gnomon plates printed, for maximum local 
date accuracy in N. America, Europe and Australia.

·         Quickly adjusts for Daylight Saving time.

·         Current base design seen here is suitable for latitudes 25° north and 
above or 25° south and below.  A slightly different base design accommodates 
the tropic and equatorial latitudes.

·         Ordered online, will next-day custom-machine base for customer’s 
latitude and ship.

·         Instructions and tools provided for easy installation and accurate 

I am still obtaining manufacturing quotes, but for a first run of 100 or so 
sundials, next-day customized and shipped, I believe I will need to price at 
around $1,200 US.

Pictures of the sundial may be found online at 

I would appreciate any feedback here or by private email.  Thank you!  Pete S.


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