Lets try again with my subscribed address...

----- Forwarded message from karl -----

Subject: Re: date scale
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 22:34:36 +1000
To: sundial@uni-koeln.de

On Fri, Oct 27, 2006 at 10:53:53AM +0100, Chris Lusby Taylor wrote:
> Hi Tracy, You say " I may make lines that radiate from the center out to the
> hour marks anyway." Please don't.
> The hour marks are on the ellipse. The shadow falling on, say, the 10
> o'clock mark comes from a different direction depending on the time of year.
> By standing on the correct date mark, you compensate for that. But radiating
> lines have to radiate from somewhere, and that somewhere would be wrong
> except on a couple of dates. Radiating lines would not help read the time
> accurately, in fact they would mislead.

I recently came across an interesting interactive sundial (Argyle Sq.,
Carlton, Melbourne, Australia).  It is a horizontal sundial.  The scale along
the N/S line is height rather than date.  By standing on the appropriate spot,
the top of your head is the along the gnomon style so where your shadow ends
is the time.  In this case, lines radiating from the dial centre are


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