I have created a point-of-interest file containing the geodetic coordinates
and brief descriptions of some of the sundials in New Brunswick and Nova
Scotia, two of the Canadian Maritime Provinces. The initial sources of
information were Steve Lelievre's "Nova Scotia Sundial Trail"
<http://users.eastlink.ca/~srgl/trail.htm> and the NASS Sundial Register
<http://www.sundials.org/> plus various online mapping and other resources.

The text file has been created in a format which allowed conversion to a
TomTom Navigator software POI overlay file (with suffix .ov2). See
<http://www.tomtom.com/support/ce/support/nav_poi.php> for more

The text file is easily read and could be converted to other GPS navigator
POI or waypoint file formats.

Attached are the small text and .ov2 files and a BMP icon which could be used
with the .ov2 file.

It would be useful for those of us who like visiting sundials on our vacations
to have sundial POI files for other regions. What is needed are accurate
WGS84 coordinates for the sundials or exact street addresses which can be
mapped to the coordinates.

-- Richard Langley

 Richard B. Langley                            E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Geodetic Research Laboratory                  Web: http://www.unb.ca/GGE/
 Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering    Phone:    +1 506 453-5142
 University of New Brunswick                   Fax:      +1 506 453-4943
 Fredericton, N.B., Canada  E3B 5A3
     Fredericton?  Where's that?  See: http://www.city.fredericton.nb.ca/
; Sundials in NB and NS Points-of-Interest (POI) Text File for TomTom Navigator

; Use MAKEOV2.EXE to create .ov2 file

; Created by Richard B. Langley, University of New Brunswick, 19 November 2005

; Longitude,    Latitude, "Name"

; ========== ============ 

 -66.64093 ,   45.96205 , "Vertical Wall Dial, Soldiers' Barracks, Fredericton, 

 -64.21009 ,   45.83530 , "Pedestal Dial, Amherst Town Hall, Amherst, NS"

 -65.51581 ,   44.74222 , "Pedestal Dial, Historic Gardens, Annapolis Royal, NS"

 -64.24157 ,   44.53653 , "Armillary Sphere, Parade Square, Chester, NS"

 -64.30942 ,   45.11077 , "Horizontal Dial, Acadian Memorial Church, Grand-Pré, 

 -63.57431 ,   44.64362 , "Armillary Sphere, DalTech, Halifax, NS"

 -63.57855 ,   44.64317 , "Horizontal Dial, Halifax Public Gardens, Halifax, NS"

 -63.61490 ,   44.67549 , "Horizontal Dial, Seaview Memorial Park, Halifax, NS"

 -63.59218 ,   44.63629 , "Pedestal Dial, Quadrangle, Dalhousie University, 
Halifax, NS"

 -65.11979 ,   44.87788 , "Pedestal Dial, Whitman Cemetary, Williamstown, NS"

 -59.98763 ,   45.88903 , "Pedestal Dial, Engineer's House, Fortress of 
Louisbourg, NS"

 -65.07110 ,   44.94378 , "Horizontal Dial, Macdonald Museum, Middleton, NS"

 -63.83432 ,   44.89625 , "Pedestal Dial, Uniacke Estate Museum Park, Mt. 
Uniacke, NS"

 -64.37803 ,   45.11619 , "Pedestal Dial, Prescott House Museum, Starr's Point, 

 -64.13907 ,   44.98952 , "Pedestal Dial, Haliburton House Museum, Windsor, NS"

 -66.11557 ,   43.83651 , "Portable Dial, Yarmouth County Museum, Yarmouth, NS"

Attachment: sundials.ov2
Description: Binary data

Attachment: sundials.bmp
Description: Binary data


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