Dear Dialists

A few days ago I posted email regarding the desirability of regarding the
analemma as a function of the
sun's declination and attempted to point out that the traditional
exposition of the EoT by relating it to
the date was causing confusion about the stability of the analemma.

Communications with Arthur Carlson and Luke Coletti have added to my
understanding of the issues
and further study of my program to calculate the EoT versus the sun's
declination has enlightened me further.

In my original program I mentioned that there was an implied assumption
that at perigee/perihelion the right ascension of the mean sun was
identical to the right ascension of the sun. This is patently incorrect and
I would
have found my error simply by looking at the data that the program
generated. What I should have said
was that there was an assumption that at perigee/perihelion the right
ascension of the mean sun is
numerically equal to the ecliptic longitude of the sun at
perigee/perihelion. This assumption was used in the calculation that
produced the data.

It became to clear to me that this was a critical assumption and I needed
to determine the basis for that assumption.

In looking more closely at the notion of a mean sun one is led to a mean
sun that is as close to the right
ascension of the sun as possible during the year. This led me to look at
the sum of EoT for each time of calculation
over the year. One measure of closeness to the sun is that the sum of EoT
over the year be zero. By varying
the assigned right ascension of the mean sun at perigee/perihelion I was
able to determine a value that
gave a sum of EoT of zero. That numerical value differs from the ecliptic
longitude of the sun at perigee/perihelion
by 0.00039735 degrees

It is a bit of a mystery as to why this should be the case.

I have added this term to my analemma calculation at

and have generated new data at

The new data differs from the original data by at most a second in the
value of the EoT. The calculated extremes do
not change.

Life truely is beautiful.

Dan Wenger

Daniel Lee Wenger
Santa Cruz, CA

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