Dear Fellow Dialists

I promised photos of my newest sundial and they are now on my web site. A
set of pictures is at

The photo at

shows the detail of the analemma and the scribed features of the dial.

This photo is relavent to the recent discussions of analemmas and their
placement on sundials.
On my globe the significance of the analemma is apparent. Each analemma
represents the geographical
position of the sun at mean time 6, 7, 8, 9, etc. for each day of the year.
In fact the geographical
postions of the sun at those mean time hours would be a collection of 365
dots but the analemma
is interpolated to generate a semi continuous curve. Since the set of dots
that would be generated during the following year would be slightly
different the curve used represents some sort of average
of the dots over a four year period.

The generation of an analemma on another type of sundial involves a
projection of these geographical positions
through the origin of the globe onto some surface, usually a horizonal or
vertical plane.

The photos are detailed and my take some time to download.

Hope you enjoy them.

Dan Wenger

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