Andrew Corl wrote:
> Richard,
> I believe that there are some Egyptian sundials in the Cairo or
> British Museums dating from about 5,000 B.C. There may also be some
> Babylonian/Mesopotamian (forgive spelling) dials around but I am not
> sure about that.
> Andrew
As Gordon Uber indic
From Marshall Clagett's "Ancient Egyptian Science" Vol. 2, earliest
extant Egyptian shadow clock(Cairo Museum, time from length of
shadow) is 1479-1425 BC. Earliest extant (vertical disk) sundial
(from Gezer in Palestine) is 1224-1214 BC.
I don't know dates for Babylonian dials.
To: Sundial Mailing List
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 2:41:42 PM
Subject: Oldest sundial in world ?
When I was buying the set of cigarette cards issued in 1928 by W.D. and
H.O. Wills of Old Sundials, my dealer asked me what was the oldest
sundial in the world ? I guessed Greek or
When I was buying the set of cigarette cards issued in 1928 by W.D. and
H.O. Wills of Old Sundials, my dealer asked me what was the oldest
sundial in the world ? I guessed Greek or Roman, but didn't really
know; so input from the experts on this list would be welcomed.
Richard Mallett