Yes, it is clearly meant for a polar axis gnomon. The hour lines are
symmetrical with 6 and 6 crossing at the root of the gnomon so it is meant
to be directly south-facing. However the hour angle lines do not appear to
be accurate for any latitude. Iif you measure the hour angles and try to
I also agree, also as a mock HORIZONTAL dial. The intended latitude Phi
should be related to the angle A between the 12 and 9 (or 3) hr lines
as: sin(Phi) = tan (A). [For a vertical direct south dial, change sin
into cos.] As A is clearly more than 45°, tan(A)>1, which is beyond the
reach of th
I agree with John and Jack, this dial is suffering from gnomon dysfunction.
This affects a lot of older sundials. The intended gnomon was polar, not normal
Jack analyzed the hour lines and found that they are inconsistent. I did
similar limited tests and agree.
This sundial s
I am reposting this message that for some reason exceeded the size limit:
Yes, it is clearly meant for a polar axis gnomon. The hour lines are
symmetrical with 6 and 6 crossing at the root of the gnomon so it is meant
to be directly south-facing. However the hour angle lines do not appea