Hi Tony, (and other List members)

Concerning your E-mail problem, it is likely that something has changed
with your computer configuration - or (more likely) the specific E-mail
software it uses, so this no longer complies with "RFC 5322" standards.

A very common situation (particularly for computers using the "Windows"
system), is that it is only sending messages in 'HTML' - instead of the
proper ASCII (or UTF8) format, containing just basic 'text' characters.

Specifically, YOUR computer seems to be using something called JavaMail
which could easily be 'confusing' the system used by this Mailing List,
but could be something introduced by your "TalkTalk" ISP - so you might
want to have a chat with their tecnhical people, to see what THEY say !

If you have access to ANOTHER computer, I suggest trying it - to see if
your messages could be received correctly, plus then investigating what
'differences' there might be with the computer/software configurations.

Another possibility, is that the "Mailman" system (used by this Sundial
Mailing List) has changed - but only the 'SysOp' can confirm it, though
I have not seen different SML behaviours with my own received messages.


Dave Andersson.


  • Replying to Tony Moss, about your E-mail probl... David Andersson

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