My understanding of the "Riots in the Streets" syndrome (on
the conversion from Julian to Gregorian in the UK), was as

Pre the change, the UK new year started on 25th March -
Annuncation day (exactly 9 months before the birth on 25th
December).  Taxes were then paid at the end of the year. 
When the Gregorian calendar was introduced, there were two

1) 11 days were omitted
2) The start of the year was changed to 1st January, to
"bring the UK in line with the rest of Europe" (Haven't I
heard that somewhere recently?)

Thus the year 1752 was 84 days short.
Riots because people were being asked to pay a full year's
taxes on a short year

The government relented, and said "OK, pay your taxes 365
days after the last time you paid"
Thus the date for tax paying moved back 11 days to 5th
April - where it remains in the UK to this day.


53.37N  3.02W

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