Hello All,
Thank you, international friends, who have so eloquently expressed your feelings regarding the horrific events that happened yesterday here in the USA.  I have been a list member long enough to have seen several major political events play out on the world stage, and I have on each occasion been encouraged by the good will displayed in this truly worldwide intellectual forum. 
Yesterday was about shock and disbelief...watching the surreal events on crackling little televisions in our office...today is about sorrow and quiet anger.  I have yet to hear from two close design colleagues who worked in one of those buildings...and the neighbor who watches my children fears she has lost her daughter who was a Pentagon intern.
My thoughts turned this morning, as I watched the sun rise into a sky devoid of all aircraft and jet trails, to the friendly list members who may be traveling to the NASS conference this weekend.  I hope and pray that all of you have a safe passage, because I fear that none of us are safe as long as there are people who so desperately want to attack our way of life.
God bless America.  Bless you all.
Jim Tallman
Sr. Designer
FX Studios

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