The sundial in the court of the Hotel de Ville in La Rochelle (France) has a node that looks like a circle, actually it is star shaped. But in the middle there is a hole. That gives a nice and precise sunspot on the dial face to read the time.
See the resemblance with the 'shadow sharpener'?

At 10:00 13-07-2004, Frank King wrote:
The theory suggesting that a circular disc casts a circular shadow
depends on the sun being a point source of light which is isn't!

If the model on which the theory is based is refined to take
the angular diameter of the sun into account, you find that
the shadow is generally degraded into an approximate ellipse
whose major axis is less than the diameter of the disc and
whose minor axis is smaller still.

The actual shape at a given time can be determined by noting
the shape that the image of the sun that would form if the sun
were projected through a pin-hole at the centre of the nodus
(this image really is a true ellipse).

Th. Taudin Chabot, home email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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