On 11/11/98 Greg Milsom wrote,
>Today I learned that one of the reasons my new dial was not as exact as
>I had hoped was because the magnetic variation I was using to align the
>dial was several years old and that magnetic variation does in fact
>change over time.  I am now searching material on the web that seems to
>indicate that the Equation of Time figures that are in the back of
>Albert Waugh's book may also be somewhat old and need updated for 1998.
>Please let me know if the EoQ number do in fact change and how I can
>calculate the change using an Excel spreadsheet.

Dear Greg,
        It does change, alas.  A while ago I created an Excel spreadsheet,
based on the equations in Meus' book which seemed to get correct answers.
I only set it up to calculate single days, but that could be modified.
Since it was created solely for my own amusement, it comes with little or
no documentation, but if you want to play with it, let me know (and what
encoding standard your e-mail browser uses) and I can try to send it to

        Peter Mayer

Peter Mayer                 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Politics Department         | 'phone:+61.8 8303 5606/5610
University of Adelaide      | FAX: (+61.8) 8303 3446
Adelaide, SA 5005           | Time Zone: GMT +9.5 hrs (April-October)
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