In an article "Sundials Painted in the Cloister of an Italian Monastery" in BSS 1998, by Mario Arnaldi he mentioned that monks in Egypt and the Middle East prayed only twice - morning and evening.Where is this mentioned?
In an archeological dig in Beer Sheba in 1903 a conical sundial was found in a Byzantine- Christian context. The picture of the conical  sundial shows  11 hour lines published in the Revue Biblique 1903. Below the 3rd line there is the Greek letter gamma and in the 9th  - delta. Below the 6th - there is a cross.
Could those two letters prove what Arnaldi had mentioned about the 2 prayer offices?
Is there another reason why those 2 letters are written at the 3rd and 9th hour?
Sincerely,  Ronit Maoz

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