Gentle Reader:

I have my node running (build 5049)
2G store 500 Mbit down 100Mb up (half my ADSL bandwidth)
400MH Pentium RedHat 9.0
Using dyndns domain name on ip address.

I use lynx mostly.

I have been able on occasion to get to the free net help index
and YOYO once or twice.  I have seen upto 230 JVM (java tasks) running.
The CPU is pegged most of the time, noticably slowing the machine.
Freenet has crashed about 10 times.

Any hints on improving things to the point of some utility would be
greatly appreciated.

Here is some info from my node

* Uptime:   0 days,   5 hours,   36 minutes
     * Current routingTime: 25ms.
     * Pooled threads running jobs: 118     (98.3%)   [QueryRejecting all incoming 
     * Pooled threads which are idle: 96
       It's  normal  for  the  node to sometimes reject connections or requests for a 
limited period. If you're
       seeing rejections continuously the node is overloaded or something is wrong 
(i.e. a bug).
     * Current estimated load: 98.3%.
       Load due to thread limit = 98.3%
       Load due to routingTime = 60.5% = 80% + 20% * (25.000 - 1000.000) / 1000.000 <= 
overloadLow (80%)
       Load  due  to  messageSendTimeRequest = 74% = 80% + 20% * (106.011 - 1000.000) 
/ 3000.000 <= overloadLow
       Load  due  to  output  bandwidth  limiting  =  5.3%  because  
outputBytes(667794) <= limit (12000000 ) =
       outLimitCutoff (2) * outputBandwidthLimit (100000) * 60

# Histogram of keys in in fred's Routing table
# Dec 10, 2003 12:25:22 PM
# keys: 865
0       40
1       42
2       42
3       49
4       56
5       73
6       71
7       80
8       77
9       69
a       59
b       44
c       43
d       38
e       39
f       43

# Histogram of requested keys.
# Dec 10, 2003 12:25:47 PM
# keys: 27065
0       943
1       911
2       1011
3       1226
4       2103
5       2250
6       2641
7       3344
8       3102
9       2519
a       2208
b       1355
c       856
d       662
e       903
f       1031
# Histogram of keys in in fred's data store
# Dec 10, 2003 12:26:11 PM
# keys: 3738
0       125
1       151
2       140
3       203
4       260
5       310
6       405
7       457
8       415
9       293
a       244
b       167
c       132
d       114
e       157
f       165
# Histogram of sizes of keys in fred's data store
# Dec 10, 2003 12:26:27 PM
# keys: 3738
1k      36
2k      993
4k      938
8k      112
16k     108
32k     35
64k     24
128k    26
256k    647
512k    173
1M      646
2M      0
4M      0
8M      0
16M     0
32M     0
64M     0
128M    0
256M    0
512M    0
1G+     0

# Histogram of successfully requested keys.
# Dec 10, 2003 12:26:48 PM
# keys: 958
0       21
1       42
2       41
3       62
4       59
5       81
6       75
7       98
8       88
9       76
a       69
b       68
c       51
d       37
e       35
f       55
Probability of success of an incoming request
Dec 10, 2003 12:27:07 PM
0 | 0.021943573
1 | 0.04535637
2 | 0.04
3 | 0.050040357
4 | 0.027935605
5 | 0.035541903
6 | 0.028016437
7 | 0.029045643
8 | 0.02805228
9 | 0.029850746
a | 0.031039136
b | 0.049707603
c | 0.05882353
d | 0.054896142
e | 0.038209606
f | 0.05278311
Max: 0.05882353
Most successful: c

 * Smoothed local mean traffic (queries per hour): 46382.927
     * Smoothing  half  life  (lsHalfLifeHours): 1.200 hour. That is, the rate decays 
completely to a new value
       after 12.000 hour.

     * Instantaneous local traffic: 40271.159 queries per hour. That is, the last 500 
queries arrived in 44.697
       second or 0.012 hour.
     * Current proportion of requests being accepted: 0.026
     * Current advertise probability: 0.020
     * Traffic data from 100 nodes (max allowed 100), of which 85 were used. The 
oldest 5% and the smallest and
       largest 5% (up to 10% if the table is not full) are not used in computing 
     * Global mean traffic per node (queries per hour): 50516.776
     * Global median traffic per node (queries per hour): 35230.000
     * Standard Deviation of global traffic per node: 44281.200

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