Hello. I have had a similar problem with freenet outlined by another windows98 user, 
having installed it from free cdrom. Everything went ok, user node set up, etc. 
Initially it was prob with zonealarm firewall next time tried,so I shut that down, and 
was able to open the gateway fine. but then couldn't access any of the sites listed, 
with similar time out messages. I only have connections to about 2 out of 20 nodes at 
any one time from looking at the usage and network info, so guess that is the problem, 
as I see most here seem to have many more, but not sure what to do to improve this 
figure, or get further. Have in the past installed linux os variants on a virtual 
partition, but now have no space for that, so prefer to stick with 98 for the time 
being. Thanks for any help


ps using version - should I update, and how do I get the download? 
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