While chasing down a bug report, I discovered that the current CSS2
filter does not work in the way that I thought it did, and that to make
it work properly I needed something closer to a parser generator than a
lexxer generator. Hence I am rewriting it again, this time using CUP. It
should not take long however, as the spec provides copious assistance at
http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/grammar.html. It is reasonable to assume
that the current CSS parser has some problems... at the very least, it
crashes on certain valid CSS code, but the way the matching actually
works it may well be possible to sneak something past it.
Matthew Toseland
Full time freenet hacker.
Freenet Distribution Node (temporary) at http://amphibian.dyndns.org:8889/KcW66rKIGAU/

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