On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 12:11:45PM +0100, news.gmane.org wrote:
> Great, but can you please attach the both keys as a text file because gmane
> screwed up everything :-)

I've attached the original key to this mail.  Hopefully, the new one isn't 
really needed.

I must confess, I've been remiss in inserting the new key the last few days.
It seems like the original has settled back down to normal (at least as far 
as I can tell from here).  Have you been able to retrieve it (the original 
DFI) successfully lately?  Inserts have been decidedly slow and difficult 
the last few days.  Not sure what the problem is (probably the fact that I'm 
running the latest unstable).  :-)  But they *do* eventually succeed.  I 
just hope it's propagating OK.

> Thanks!
> BTW, DFI is a great index!

Gee, thanks!  :-)  My main goal with DFI was to provide an index that's
continually updated and fast to load (hence the very limited graphics). TFE
and YoYo are great, but too static and too slow (what with all the
activelinks) for my tastes.  I also wanted an index that didn't have
tons of dead links or links to things that weren't html pages (has anyone
noticed that if you access FreenetHelp, your browser starts downloading
fmb.jar in the background?).  :-)

And incidentally, if the author of "colours" is reading this, could you
*please* use conventional edition numbering for your inserts?  Pretty
please?  :-)  It's hell to keep up with, it really is, which is why I still
haven't linked any of them on my site.  Can't even tell which is supposed to 
be the latest edition.

Conrad Sabatier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - "In Unix veritas"
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