y help on the subject is greatly appreciated.
From: Reza A. Ambler [mailto:r...@rndcomputing.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 6:01 PM
To: 'support@pfsense.com'
Subject: [pfSense Support] siproxd + Multi Wan
Hi everyone,
I currently have pfSense version 1.2.2 installed. I have 3 interface
Hi everyone,
I currently have pfSense version 1.2.2 installed. I have 3 interfaces WAN, LAN,
and T1 (Opt1). I setup siproxd originally with inbound as LAN and outbound as
WAN and everything was working smoothly. I have tried configuring siproxd to go
out of the T1 interface and have been unsucce
If you go to another FreeBSD machine on the same version as your pfSense box.
Go to the port directory for postfix and type "make package". Then go to
/usr/ports/All/packages and you'll find a bunch of TBZ files there. Copy them
over to your pfSense box (say under /tmp/pkg), then run pkg_ad