[pfSense Support] spamd issue?

2007-07-27 Thread Sean Peters
I'm trying to set the NextMTA as an external IP for a good reason, but here's what I've found. Any ideas would be appreciated. Here's what I have figured out so far. external IP -> pfsense (spamd) -> next MTA (internal IP) This works fine external IP -> pfsense (spamd) -> next MTA (publ

[pfSense Support] spamd installation failure

2007-06-07 Thread Sean Peters
Here is the log file I'm getting when trying to install spamd. I have a fresh install of pfsense 1.0.1. The file apkg_spamd-3.7_3.tbz is created in the /tmp directory but is a zero byte file. # cat pkg_mgr_spamd.log Beginning package installation. Downloading package configuration file...