this afternoon I ran the full-update to beta3 and everythign seemed great... (nice graphs, btw) but then i went shopping etc... came back and had left the system page open and noticed the cpu was pegged at 100% (it's an old machine but normally sits at ~5-25%). and i had checked before right after the upgrade and everything was nominal, cpu, mem, bandwidth, etc...

now i have lots of these in the syslog:
Apr 23 20:37:48 tsmonk dhclient[274]: 5 bad IP checksums seen in 5 packets
Apr 23 20:38:19 tsmonk last message repeated 68849 times
Apr 23 20:40:19 tsmonk last message repeated 305226 times

and top confirms dhclient is the bad guy:

last pid: 73943;  load averages:  2.59,  2.56,  2.56                    up 0+06:42:34  20:57:38
34 processes:  2 running, 32 sleeping
CPU states: 47.9% user,  0.0% nice, 45.1% system,  7.0% interrupt,  0.0% idle
Mem: 13M Active, 13M Inact, 18M Wired, 4K Cache, 12M Buf, 73M Free
Swap: 512M Total, 512M Free

  274 _dhcp       1 139    0  1388K  1036K RUN     42:35  5.66% dhclient
  176 root        1  79    0  1372K  1004K select  38:37  4.79% syslogd
 1256 root        1   4    0  3668K  3220K kqread   1:02  0.00% lighttpd
 1423 root        1   8   20  1700K  1212K wait     0:15  0.00% sh
 1262 root        1   8    0  7496K  3792K wait     0:10  0.00% php
72754 root        1  76    0  2336K  1588K RUN      0:07  0.00% top
 1495 root        1   8    0   236K   132K nanslp   0:07  0.00% check_reload_status
  313 root        1 -58    0  3688K  1936K bpf      0:02  0.00% tcpdump
 1290 nobody      1  76    0  1328K   980K select   0:02  0.00% dnsmasq
72703 root        1  76    0  5564K  2612K select   0:01  0.00% sshd
  432 root        1  76    0  1480K  1136K select   0:01  0.00% inetd
 1258 root        1   8    0  7496K  3792K wait     0:01  0.00% php
 1480 dhcpd       1  76    0  2196K  1864K select   0:00  0.00% dhcpd
 1227 proxy       1   4    0   656K   416K kqread   0:00  0.00% pftpx
 1380 proxy       1   4    0   656K   448K kqread   0:00  0.00% pftpx
  314 root        1  -8    0  1196K   684K piperd   0:00  0.00% logger
 1482 root        1   8    0  1304K   980K nanslp   0:00  0.00% cron
 1331 root        1  92    0  1288K  1012K select   0:00  0.00% mpd
72752 root        1  20    0  3436K  2412K pause    0:00  0.00% tcsh
 1512 root        1   8    0  1568K  1244K wait     0:00  0.00% login
72717 root        1   8    0  1640K  1136K wait     0:00  0.00% sh
72718 root        1   8    0  1648K  1204K wait     0:00  0.00% sh

i assume you guys would like me to do some debugging but you'll have to hold my hand through it... A.) i'm not a programmer.  B.) i'm ok at Linux and Windows but a total noob when it comes to the BSDs...  maybe i'll hop on the IRC channel in a few minutes and see if anyone is around who wants to look deeper at it... if no one is around i'll reboot and start playing and poking at it until i fix it or break it... the machine is otherwise running fine but it will melt itself eventually if it sits there with the CPU pegged (i put a fanless heatsink on it to keep it quiet).

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