On 11/5/08, T L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello.
> Over the past 2 months I've been unable to connect to my chat accounts on 
> Yahoo, AIM and MSN.  All three have different errors and symptoms. My 
> GoogleChat accounts function fine in Pidgin (v2.5.2) on Windows XP.
> Here is a brief review of what I am seeing:
> Upon starting Pidgin, GoogleChat logs in no problem, but all three other 
> accounts instantly fail to connect.  The errors specified in the bottom 
> notification area are:
> <yahoo account>: user disconnected
> Lost connection with server:
> Remote host closed connection
> <aol account>: user disconnected
> Lost connection with server:
> Remote host closed connection
> <msn account>: user disconnected
> Connection error from Notification server:
> Writing error
> Pidgin will continue throughout the day to attempt to reconnect to these 
> accounts, and on occasion it succeeds in connecting to my yahoo chat account. 
>  However, as soon as I enter a message and send it, it disconnected with the 
> same error as specified above and the message never gets sent.
> There have been no changes in my firewall, and I am pulling my hair out 
> trying to figure out what the issue is.
> Can anyone help?  I would be happy to provide any additional information if 
> it will help.
> Thank you.
> - Tobias

Typically the "Remote host closed connection" messages are symptoms of
a malfunctioning software firewall. Most software firewalls for
Windows are incapable of fully allowing a program/port/service
unhindered access.

Try upgrading your firewall, and see if the information in the wiki
[1] helps out any.

Of course, if you're not using a firewall, or are absolutely certain
it's not to blame, please get a debug log [2] of one of those accounts
connecting, and create a new ticket [3] with the debug report

[1]: http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Using%20Pidgin#windowsfirewall
[2]: http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/TipsForBugReports#ObtainingaDebugLog
[3]: http://developer.pidgin.im/newticket


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