I downloaded the latest version of pigeon this morning and installed ona new 
laptop that has windows 7 OS. I get the following error when trying to connect:

Error requesting https://api.oscar.aol.com/aim/startOSCARSession: Unable to 
connect to api.oscar.aol.com: SSL Connection Failed

Your site says that if you get AOL SSL handshake message to install the latest 
version of pigeon, which I have just done. And searching your support site has 
not helped... I do not find any tickets for this issue.

It is pretty important that I get some sort of IM client working soon since I 
work remote and this is a main avenue of communication with my group. I really 
hate using AIM... I have been using pigeon for the last 4 years on my old 
laptop which is running windows xp ,and like it a lot better.

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