Hi there


After much browsing on the web proved fruitless I decided to try get help
from you guys @ the support office J


I am currently running windows 7 64-bit OS on my PC at work. Connected
through the work domain and all email & internet works fine. I use Pidgin
for a number of different accounts [At this point in time; 1MSN, 2 Google &
1 MXit accounts]. For about a week after installing the new Operating system
all seemed fine, until all of a sudden pidgin has been unable to connect any
of these accounts. The problem has been persistent for over a week despite
my best efforts. I have Uninstalled/ Reinstalled the program and tried
removing/ editing ~.purple certificates & files, as well as a number of
different connection settings for each of the accounts. The firewall on this
machine is set to allow pidgin but it still won't connect, and to the best
of my knowledge no changes have been made to the network servers/ firewall.
I attached a short log of the debug window... I didn't find anything useful
inside it, but hopefully you more savvy users may find it useful. It just
seemed strange that all the accounts were dropped without me making any
changes. My PC had a couple Trojans but I removed them and reinstalled but
to no avail. I am using Microsoft security essentials as antivirus
protection, a well as spyware scanners [spybot S&D + superantispyware] Any
help would be greatly appreciated


P.S. I stay in South Africa & the internet SP we use is Internet Solutions
(Not sure if this matters but perhaps they are having known issues that you
could let me know about. I don't know anyone else who uses pidgin so I'm not
sure if anyone has similar issues. I did try use my msn account on another
computer in the office and has the same problem)



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