- Avis: Ce message est confidentiel et ne s'adresse qu'aux destinataires. Si vous le recevez par erreur, veuillez le supprimer et nous en aviser. - Hi, I'm working in a french environment. (Quebec Government) We use pidgin 2.7.9 (french)
I must change the page where the "Help menu" (F1) point. I tried to modify the pidgin.dll file. In the past (version 2.5.1), I made a home Wiki in french and change the F1 link in this dll file. In the 2.7.9 version, in the pidgin.dll, the link seems to be used differently. I found the link and change it but it does not work. It continu to point at the same place. Except for this link By default, the link is "http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/FAQ" I must change that for "http://qcpopf01/pidgin/doc.htm" How can I change this link. Thanks in advance ! Sorry for any mistakes Francois Emond Technicien Informatique Direction des technologies de l?information Ministère de la Culture, Communications et Condition Féminine Téléphone : (418) 380-2312, poste 7334
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