>SuperPat wrote:
>>/ Since pidgin 2.43, all my MSN contact see me offline, even if I am in
/>>/ the state "Available".
/>>/ Do you now why?
/>This has been seen a couple of times on this list. The exact cause is not
>known. Could you change your status to something and then put it back ag
SuperPat wrote:
> Since pidgin 2.43, all my MSN contact see me offline, even if I am in
> the state "Available".
> Do you now why?
This has been seen a couple of times on this list. The exact cause is not
known. Could you change your status to something and then put it back again?
This might
Since pidgin 2.43, all my MSN contact see me offline, even if I am in
the state "Available".
Do you now why?
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