I run an educational website on U.S. presidential campaigns

For over a decade I have used SeaMonkey 2.014 as a composer to update the
website daily.  (previously I used Netscape Composer).

I use that old version because it doesn't have a lot of unnecessary bells
and whistles and produces a small file size when saving.

I have run into a problem which is seriously jeopardizing my continued work
on this project and would appreciate ****any *****assistance anyone  can
provide to resolve this.

The Seamonkey browser is working fine.  It pulls up various pages EXCEPT
when I enter my url (www.p2020.us or https://www.democracyinaction.us/) to
try to update pages I get the message

*Connection interrupted*
*The document contains no data.*
*The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. *

I don't think it is a server issue.  Other websites I run on the same
server pull up fine: www.p2016.org, etc.

I am not technically inclined but have tried Clear Cache as described here

If anyone has any ideas, please email or call

Eric M. Appleman
Democracy in Action
c. 310 496-9633
support-seamonkey mailing list

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